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linjiaxiaolin linxianfeng

linjiaxiaolin linxianfeng

Talents required qualities turn
Talents should possess the following qualities (rpm)
Talents should possess the following qualities: (1) Passion: If you do not speak of the passion of the following will not listened to, but the passion is not enough light, we want to add a word in front of the adjective eternal - Eternal Passion (2) self-confidence: confidence is standing in the future to see now. What is confidence? Not ambitious, not a visionary, but the answers, all unmoved, calm face of everything, the former without thinking, there is nothing to think of it. This is the foundation, if you are not confident, do not believe that others will agree with you. Time to look into difficulties after five years think that sooner or later the past, I knew now this way, why did worry about it? So confident is standing in the future to see now. This is the letter. (3) determine the goal: If you have just employed, give yourself time to consider a few years is possible, but not too long, once the decision to proceed without hesitation, a way to go in the end, it must be persevered industry strong. (4) the spirit of cooperation: mutual assistance, mutual learning can quickly progress. White said that what is highly technical, as well as the situation five years ago this idea can be linjiaxiaolin original, now is the art of the era, to the feeling of technology has retired, who technology security industry who will lose the market. No big company in the world which is not relying on the strength of the team to win in the competition, the three countries where the generals everywhere, everyone is a hero singled out, why should an alliance, because otherwise you will soon disappear. So, as long as individuals are certain aspects of the elite to unite is the way to win. Yiyuan brand is everyone in our team, that says each person's name, we all created together with our own brand, beat his opponent, to defend the honor. (5) innovation: the same individuals and companies to innovation, and constantly develop new ideas develop. Any person engaged in the same work for a long time, in a timely manner is his favorite cause, will be depressed. Some people may ask, how to do it? I tell you a secret: Learning. This is a good way, I believe we have experience in learning a new technology is the impulse, ok, keep this in mind constantly learning new stuff. Never give myself to set new goals, this thing is interesting, why others may be I will not, I do stupid than anyone else, I want to learn and do better. Do not say I can not to another perspective, how can I? (6) Do not try to prove yourself: That does not make sense to prove it? linxianfeng Prove that you are better than others? There are always a lot of candidates to the company with this kind of attitude candidates, as long as you give me the opportunity to prove my ability I will certainly how they how ....... I said, is to give the opportunity to those who are ready to meet him rather than to people who need the opportunity.  But I how to seize opportunities? Down to earth, step xianfen by step to go, looking forward to the opportunity you can walk faster, better hand over to pick you up. There is to dare to face failure, it is no less than a high school experience smooth sailing, if you come across a good director can continue to harm your film, you should be grateful to him to say thank you thank you should for him to give you a lesson, learn it well. We do this line first is the most important ability to understand, otherwise fruitless. (7) Efficient, hard: a colleague complained all day to get 3000 yuan per month live weight less money, I thought you just see me get ten times your income, you know, I spent up to ten times more than you effort yet? To be successful, we must first who endure, no shortcuts. I believe I work 16 hours a day, some nine to five every day than you reach your goals faster. What should be the first time for completion, can not today, tomorrow, and efficiency is also a key factor. -------------------------------------- Finally, summed up, or I phrase motto:  Believe in yourself and create your own, she is more important than the proof!



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,ナイキ エアジョーダンス ニーカー
上海2014年3月12日/美通社/ --世界有数のブランドコンサルティング会社Interbrand近く正式発表する成功の買収イギリス有名な国際小売設計コンサルティング会社HMKM.
p>をお客様に専門HMKM <し、ハイエンドの多面の小売環境、例えばSelfridges(セル福リッチーデパートは、イギリスオックスフォード街は、ロンドンの最も有名なデパートの一つ)、Galeries Lafayette(パリ老仏様デパート、創設、1893年、フランス有名なファッション中心)、ナイキ、Breuninger(Breuningerデパートは、品質と享受の代名詞になってドイツトップのファッションや生き方マーケット)とBloomingdael ' s(ブル明デル百貨店、デパートはアメリカ有名なブランド、またもBloomie ' sに設立され、1861年は、アメリカメッシ百貨(Macy ' sました,ナイキダンク.)傘下のチェーン店、アメリカ36支店).HMKMロンドン本部の統合はそれInterbrandからグローバル業務とその戦略的、創意性製品とサービスの広さと深さでの支持獲得を受益.

買収をさらに強化したInterbrand小売分野での地位.Interbrandは顧客を知名度の高い小売環境、例えばスターバックス、、Piaget伯爵、セフォラとVolcom(とも呼ばれ、それをダイヤモンドは、アメリカ殿堂級のスケートボード、サーフィン極限服装など用品ブランド),ナイキエアフォース.Interbrandの小売設計以外仕事を獲得したことがありDot Red Awards赤点賞、Rebrand 100ブランド改造大賞やthe Transform>


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