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梦里水乡——锦溪 文/星光

梦里水乡——锦溪 文/星光

锦溪 文/星光çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
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这次春游苏州、杭州、上海旅程里本来没有锦溪这个景点的,因为游览乌镇、南浔和西湖都是安排在最后一天,这样时间太紧张,一些景点怕游览不过来,导游就和我们商量把南浔景点改为锦溪,安排在头一天游览,因头一天的游程时间宽裕,去乌镇又正好路经锦溪,导游还说锦溪是一个不错的江南古镇,风景名胜和各种桥梁星罗棋布,桥之密度国内罕见,素有“三十六座桥,七十二只窑”之说,并能免费坐乌篷船观赏锦溪两岸的枕水人家,看他说的那么好,大家就一致同意了。çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
  接着导游又给我们介绍锦溪的风景名胜:锦溪也称陈墓,是宋孝宗宠妃(陈妃)墓葬的地方,陈妃为避战乱,来到这个美丽的江南水乡,后来她被这儿的景色所迷住,再也舍不得离开,就留在了此地。陈妃死后,被葬在这儿的一个名叫五保湖中的小岛上,孝宗帝随将锦溪改为陈墓,解放后又恢复为锦溪。它隶属昆山市,东与上海青浦区接进,其中比较著名的有十眼长桥,人称“小宝带桥”,是观湖赏月的极佳之处。çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
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我和同伴王艳及刘会计一家总共六个人共坐在一只乌篷船上,摇船的几乎都是中年妇女,她们摇船的技术都很娴熟。统一穿着江南特有的蓝底花印染布上衣,外套鲜亮的橘黄色安全马甲,头戴江南斗笠。伴随着摇撸的吱嘎声,乌篷船先是绕着湖中岛转了一圈,然后向着水巷深处驶去。çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
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  为我们摆船的是一位个头不高,长得非常壮实的中年妇女,游到有十多分钟的时候,她问我们想不想听歌,我和刘会计的女儿和侄子齐声回答“想听”,接着她就给我们唱了一首不太熟悉的当地民歌,唱完让我们给她小费,我就故意逗她:“我也给你唱一首比你的还要好听的歌,你能给我们小费吗?”。你们猜她怎么回答的?她竟说:“我给你们小费,你们得替我摇船啊”。接的真够绝妙啊,逗得我们哈哈大笑。接着我们又点了一首大家最熟悉的江南民歌《茉莉花》,说真的,她唱的确实不错,声音圆润,委婉动听,刘会计先是给了她十元钱,随之我又给她十元钱,接下来我们又继续点歌。çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
  与我一直在一块游玩的王艳这两天精神不大好,为了让她游得开心,我尽量点她喜欢听的歌曲,还和那位摇船的合唱《茉莉花》《妈妈的吻》《甜蜜蜜》、接着又唱《小城故事》《军港之夜》《美丽的草原我的家》等,歌声吸引着水两岸廊亭处的很多游客,有的甚至还随曲附和。坐着乌篷船,唱着喜欢的经典歌曲,观赏着两岸的古街风貌,临水而立的粉墙青瓦老宅,古朴的廊街岸柳以及那桃红梨白。那一幅幅画面就像是在电视上或者在梦里见到的那样让我着迷、让我激动,或许,这就是我们常说的梦里水乡吧。çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
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  难怪沈从文喻锦溪是“睡梦中的少女”、冯子英称之为“淡抹浓妆总相宜“,刘海粟赞其是“江南之最”。çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
  置身在锦溪,让俺这凡妇俗女也有了作诗的雅兴:çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
  荡舟碧波里,歌声绕锦溪。çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
  人在画中游,古镇临水立。çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
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一溪碧水穿镇过,夹岸桃李披彩装,çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
晨霞春晖照锦带,灿若仙子舞霓裳,çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
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eth, and the wooers fell back into the inmost part of the hall. But the others dashed upon them and drew forth the shafts from the bodies of the dead.çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
Then once more the wooers threw their sharp spears eagerly; but behold, Athene so wrought that many of them were in vain. One man smote the door-post of the stablished hall, and another the well-fastened door, and the ashen spear of another wooer, heavy with bronze, struck in the wall. Yet Amphimedon Juventus Dres Dámské hit Telemachus on the hand by the wrist lightly, and the shaft of bronze wounded the surface of the zapatillas adidas yeezy ultra boost Zapatos skin. And Ctesippus grazed the shoulder of Eumaeus with a long spear high above the shield, and the spear flew over and fell to the ground. Then again Odysseus, the wise and crafty, he and his men cast their swift spears zapatillas adidas nmd c1 Pareja Precio into the press of the wooers, and now once more Odysseus, waster of cities, smote Eurydamas, and Telemachus Amphimedon, and the adidas cosmic boost Dam swineherd slew Polybus, and last, the neatherd struck Ctesippus in the breast and boasted over him, saying:çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
‘O son of Polytherses, thou lover of jeering, never give place at all to folly to speak so buty salomon big, but leave thy case to the gods, since in truth they are far mightier than thou. This gift is thy recompense for the ox-foot that thou gavest of late to the divine Odysseus, when he went Nizozemí Dres Dámské begging through the house.’çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
So spake the keeper of the shambling kine. Next Odysseus wounded the son of Damastor in close fight with his long spear, and Telemachus wounded Leocritus son of Euenor, right in the flank with his lance, and drave the bronze point clean through, that he fell New York City Fotbalové Dres prone and struck the ground full with his forehead. Then Athene held up her destroying aegis on high from the roof, and their minds were scared, Calgary Flames Pelipaidat and they fled through the hall, like a drove of kine that the flitting gadfly falls upon Adidas Climacool Boat Pure Par and scatters hither and thither in spring time, when the long days begin. But the others set on like vultures of crooked claws and curved beak, that come forth from the mountains and dash upon smaller birds, and these scouçç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
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him as a superior being, and was at heart his faithful hound. For the present I might amuse myself playing at an independent life (I was at this time a rather half-hearted free-lance journalist), but sooner or later I must come to heel.çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
When John was nearly eight and a half in actual years, he was as a rule wholesale Cheap Authentic NFL Jerseys taken for a very peculiar child of five or six. He still played childish games, and was accepted by other children as a child, though a bit of a freak. Yet he could take part in any adult conversation. Of course, he was always either far too brilliant or far too ignorant of life to play his part in anything like a normal manner; but he was never simply inferior. Even his most naive remarks were apt to have a startling significance.çç'À77‚/±www.0370qmw.comC Š"Sÿ‰
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