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louboutin pas cher femme the village of Weng

louboutin pas cher femme the village of Weng

a small urn kiln village (now Xiao Weng village) along with Japanese companies and individuals in the name of strong buy, strong rent a lot of land, Planning on a flat place south,louboutin pas cher femme, LI Hebei Yugaoke kiln village built airfield. After the 1922 Chinese Government to recover Qingdao,hogan rebel, but the delay depends on the Japanese refused to go, and build the airport project is also intermittent manner.May 1932 China Airlines Vice Chairman  the mayor of Qingdao Shen Honglie proposal to build an airport in Qingdao, and made an ideal airport location "shall have the various aspects of the area about two thousand feet without obstructions of the community ,cheap ray bans, the land must be dry for many years in the horizontal plane. place the closer the better city, and be well on the road around the Green City, the new must have convenient transportation, car dealers and a half hours, not too far away ... "in accordance with one of these conditions survey, the most suitable location to build the airport than cangkou Avenida (now four streams Road) east, a large expanse of flat edge at the south Licun Hebei, Weng village, but the problem is at this day Also occupying 2636 square acre of land within this range. In fact, the Japanese have long lease expires,tiffany, but still irrational,hogan scarpe, not to propose a cost of non. After several rounds of negotiations,escarpin louboutin pas cher, the final Qingdao Municipal Government in November 7, 1932 Japanese 25,000 silver dollars to pay compensation for this land was redeemed,nike blazer pas cher, leased by China Airlines. Cangkou airfield was built during the early 3200 acre area,oakley vault coupons, which in addition to the redemption of the commons from the hands of the Japanese,toms for sale cheap, but also requisitioned Weng village, east village, Qu brother Shozo village of part of the land and houses. In the construction of the airport this time, the Nanjing National Government Ministry of Transportation and the Qingdao Municipal Government repeatedly come forward to contact.
and sent technicians to help build Zhoutie Ming to Qingdao Airport. January 1933, cangkou airport put into operation, there is Shanghai, Pingxi airliner landing route three times a week, and opened a postal route."Shanghai - Nanjing - Haizhou - Qingdao - Tianjin - Peking" route is one of the three major Chinese airlines trunk was opened,christian louboutin, which is the first route opened in Qingdao.Three times to expand the airport four thousand people were deportedJanuary 1938, Japan once again occupied Qingdao, one to put the coveted cangkou airfield into a military airport in February eagerly launched a large-scale expansion. From February 1938 to July 1943, the Japanese have a large-scale expansion of the airport on cangkou three small expansion is constantly every year. Japanese troops occupied people to thousands of acres, driving villagers demolished monuments, resulting in thousands of households in the village of Weng, Southeast Village,scarpe hogan, Daxing village homes.February 1938, the Japanese began the first large-scale cangkou airfield expansion,nike free, according to Japanese statistics show: 50 villagers were demolished 409 houses,hogan, migration grave 50, chastity monument two,scarpe outlet online, Wine Shop one; expropriation southeast village,nike free run, the village of Weng,Cheap Ray Ban Sunglasses Outlet, Qu brother Chong and Taiqinggong God Qing,scarpe hogan outlet, a total of 301.438 longevity Um land ares. Called expropriation,abercrombie milano, and dispossession actually almost the same, Miss Liu Jin introduced to the Japanese relocation compensation was very low.
tile-roofed main house Each compensation 42-52 yuan 50 cents Each tile wing compensation 33 yuan to 42 yuan per room thatched cottage compensation from 33 to 42 yuan, 15 yuan compensation wells per port, grave compensated 20 yuan per seat, per square meter of land compensation 0.233 yuan, only one-third the market price. 40 yuan in the year What is the concept? According to statistics.

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