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25 says Let us not give up meeting together

25 says Let us not give up meeting together

A New Beginning
The truth air max pas cher femme is this old was never meant to be. It was never God s intended purpose. It was air max pas cher chine not in the original plan. It was only permitted for a reason. The new is what God s original intended purpose was. The old is a life of doudoune parajumpers sin and death while the new is the life of the outlet hogan italia Spirit of tn pas cher God. Truly the old is death and the new is Life. The new is the life acheter louboutin pas cher of God such that when you receive it God will not be more righteous than you. Are you more human than your child, or is your father more human than you? Righteousness is the nature of God and right standing with Him, the ability to barbour france stand before Him and woolrich outlet before demons and devils without any feeling of guilt or inferiority. woolrich outlet online italia Such a person is of the family of God. But the choice to have it is ultimately mankind s. You can have a fresh start, a clean slate, a new beginning in Christ. No man comes out of this old except through Christ, and it scarpe hogan outlet can happen now if you will. Christ has already sac hermes birkin pas cher paid the price to air max pas cher pour homme get that to be effected in your life. I thank You for bringing Your word my way this day. I acknowledge and confess my sins to You. I recognize that God raised You from the dead basket louboutin pas cher that I might have life. Have mercy on me. Lord Jesus I welcome you into my life today. I confess You as my Lord and Saviour. Thank You moncler sito ufficiale italia for having mercy on me. Thank You for saving me today nike tn officiel from sin, from destruction air max 90 pas cher and from all works of Satan. I am now a child of God. Thank You Lord. LOVE NOTEIf you have prayed that prayer from the bottom of your heart, believing nike tn that God raised Jesus from the dead you are now a child of God. And now that you are saved there are few things you must do to grow in God.1. You must read your bible and pray to God every day in the name of Jesus. The book Joshua 1 says not to let the word of God depart out of our tn pas cher mouth but to meditate on it always so that we may carefully woolrich outlet milano do all God requires of us to be successful and prosperous 2. You must worship with other believers in a bible believing church or assembly. Hebrews 10:25 says Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit abercrombie and fitch outlet of doing, but let us encourage one another and all the more as you see the day approaching.  (NIV), and 3. 22 to 23, 09)

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