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  对于广大的车主来说,油费是一笔很大的开支,很多人都精打细算,但是有些黑心的商家却偏偏要在“加油”这上面玩起猫腻,大部分的加油站都存在着一些问题,经常偷我们的油,如果大家不信,今天小编就带大家去看看!ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
  是不是油枪有问题ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
  大部分的车主都认为,加油站偷油最大的猫腻之处就是在加油的时候油枪停顿的一瞬间。ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
  先让我们来看看加油机工作原理和油枪机构ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
  油枪结构ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
  加油机用加油员软管输送燃油,在机内油泵的作用下,油被抽出,在通过油气的分离器,流量计,经过油枪的作用输送到车辆的油箱里,一般的的加油枪都是进气嘴结构,也是大部分认为藏有猫腻的地方,其实不是这样,油枪进气管连接自封装置,这个只是开关作用,不是大家说的自动抽取的油气管路!不过近来市场在普及一种叫做油气回收油枪,它的目的是减少石油中有毒的化学成分,这毒气体对人体和环境都有影响,但是部分的黑心商家借机偷油制造良机。这就是人们所说的“偷油”的油枪。ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
  加一次油亏了多少钱?ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
  目前在技术不断革新的前提下,油枪的回收率能达到1:1回收率,举个例子吧,当我们花1000元去加油的时候,得到的其实是999元的汽油,那一块钱,就被加油站“回收”掉了。相信大家看到这里一定会松一口气,亏的钱还是不多啊,大部分车主也是愿意为环境奉献一元钱的。ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
  不过让人心疼的地方还在后面,“偷油”的重点并不在“油枪”,而是在加油站的作弊手段,黑心商家从加油机内部做文章神不知鬼不觉的偷走我们的油,最常见的方法有下面几种ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
  1、黑心商家加油机内部偷接回油管,使部分油液通过流量计之后,再返回油箱内。ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
  2、在更换流量计传动齿轮做文章,使流量计传感器的脉冲周期变化,让你以为还是给你加了100块油,其实只有80元,车主们一般也不会去看油箱多少。ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
  3、在不同标号油罐之间偷接3通口,用低标号燃油冒充高标号燃油销售,以假此充好,这就是很多人抱怨中国油质量不行的原因。ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
  4、采用高手段,改动计量芯片、主板等方式更改加油机参数,以电脑控制或遥控方式在加油过程中“多走字,少出油”!ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
  看到这里大家也应该明白加油站所谓的猫腻了吧,真正细心的克扣油手段高明车主们也没有条件去检测。ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
  ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
只要你关注诊车宝公众号,最全最实用的养车用车攻略都在这里:ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
carsdrëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
↑↑↑↑↑↑长按可复制到微信添加朋友黏贴即可关注,20位汽车行业专家提供养车、用车及维修价格等服务的免费咨询。ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿


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好黑啊ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿



Chen Fucheng, aged 20,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/brandcouture/hk-112101.html, Jiangyou people, who started to drop out of school at home, skilled hacker purely a "self-taught", this year from April to June, he repeatedly attacked a Jiangsu network operator's server, resulting in hundreds of thousands the user's network services have been severely affected.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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July 30, Chen Fucheng suspicion of the crime of illegal control of computer information systems, is in Nanjing Jianye District Procuratorate approved the arrest, this case Jiangsu Province's first arrest on charges of suspicion of this case.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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□ Express correspondent reporter Zhang Yu Jian trueëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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After dropping out of school, "self-taught"ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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Chen Fucheng childhood home in rural Sichuan is full of misfortune, 7 years old his father died, he told his mother to his grandmother lived. Not long after, the mother work outside the home, never returned home. Child accompanied grandparents live together, Chen Fucheng lack of parental love, and have lost parental discipline, only read the first day, Chen Fucheng because of financial difficulties and drop out.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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Chen Fucheng like to play computer with a very close cousin, the two get together all right to study the Internet, cousin learned a lot of hacking techniques, Chen Fucheng communicate with him more naturally we learned some.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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Chen Fucheng super memory for numbers and English letters with sensitive born. Which allowed him to learn when hacking technology advances quickly. He joined an Internet devoted to hacking techniques QQ group, often communicate with the group of experts who,babyliss pro perfect curl, after receiving expert guidance, his computer skills improve more rapidly.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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Chen Fucheng from home renters, which also earned him more freedom to the front of the computer day and night. He normally would dwelling in a small rented house to study, in order to overcome technical difficulties, he had not been out for six months through the door, eat and drink Lazard sleep all in that rental house. Either eat takeout, or is to let his girlfriend to bring him food, sleepy and fell asleep, and then he opened his eyes lying in front of the computer.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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Let the fun into moneyëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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After studying hacking technology for some time, he used some of the hacker intrusion, remote attacks, network attacks and other technologies are controlled almost the same. After scanning the server vulnerable to some of the technical means, and he will through the control of invasive techniques. Subsequently, these servers created on their own account and password, which allows them to have each other, like a computer or server administrator privileges, hackers control of these computers or servers called "chicken" to attack or invade someone else's computer called a server "catch chickens."ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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In communication with hacker friends when Chen Fucheng learned hacker shook the political arena not only allows him to show off the strength of the network, but also in the attack site, spread Trojan same time, he can get some economic benefits, can "fun "into" money ", I could not resist the temptation to let Chen Fucheng.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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I heard a Korean website recently introduced several new games, while the domestic game players no chance to play, Chen Fucheng began to play its role in the. Scan through hacking software to a Korean server vulnerabilities, he would invade the other server, and then create your own account, password, use your own account on the server for remote control, and through these accounts to play new games that Korea is a breeze. Chen Fucheng the "chicken" to get online selling, general South Korea's "chicken" is the price of hundred dollars a month.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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Jiangsu phase of a company serverëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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In late April of this year, Chen Fucheng scan to an IP of a network operator, then he exploits to invade the other server, and quickly create a username and password. After the successful invasion of the network to each other, Chen Fucheng discovered this server is a network operator in Jiangsu, mainly used to provide network TV user authentication. The server's configuration is very good, almost no bandwidth is limited, and ultra-fast speed, when Chen Fucheng hearts chuckle,http://lenoverelab.org/tracker, thinking the server left to their own use.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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The end of May, Chen Fucheng district in Chengdu, a rented house, bought a few second-hand computers,karen millen sale, they begin to fully grasp the "chicken." He uploaded to this server in a number of hacking tools, in turn created a new account, use this control server scans IP segment in South Korea, South Korea and then grab "chicken." Because of this high-end configuration of network operators, Chen Fucheng almost effortless to catch a lot of South Korea, "chicken", and then also those servers to create a new account in Korea, then in the online advertising sold.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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"This server performance is really good, I just put it down a little." After being arrested, Chen Fucheng Jiangsu a network operator that server is still cooing. Caught "chicken" to the sale price of 100 yuan per month, for the convenience of money, his girlfriend's name to do with a bank card, to allow customers directly via online banking the money into this card.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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560,http://www.pixian.sc.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,000 customers were affectedëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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May 17, Jiangsu, this network operator server system hacked, a direct result of the network television business interruption,http://lauzyprygdjerwwprqqq.seesaa.net, the company's 56 million subscribers can not receive normal network television signals. We did not pay attention to the beginning. "Occasionally, failure is normal, our entire service system heavy protection, it should be no big deal." The network operator's an engineer said.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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May 27, the company's engineers have found that hackers invaded the company's servers again, this time with 16 million users are affected. Engineers cautious,http://jsem.jp, they reported the matter.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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Subsequently, the Nanjing police investigation. Police unexpectedly found that the company file a new server as "administrator" to create the folder in which a collection of multiple network attack program files. In addition, there are other data folders are many network operators. This means that the "administrator" can wander in and out, network operators have the right to be free to the company's various business operations. Found after these things, network engineers sweaty, hackers fortunately did not tamper with, otherwise the consequences could be disastrous.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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June 14, Chen Fucheng and log on to the server operator,http://www.spansion.com, successfully cracked the four host business account and password. Chen Fucheng grasp whereabouts, the police decided to close the net, Nanjing police network Interpol and joint action rushed to Sichuan implementation of the arrest. And to follow along with their past, as well as a network operator Jiangsu several network engineers.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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Nanjing police arrest provincesëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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June 22, in Chengdu, a small rental, Nanjing police broke into the house. First,http://www.girodivite.it/spip.php?article195, the eye is actually stacked like a mountain of fast food boxes, and behind this pile snack, a 20-year-old man shirtless facing the computer concentrating on the operation, the police broke into the house even for not too more surprised. When accompanied by engineers saw this scene, they all stunned,babyliss curl secret, they are top students in computer science schools, but they did not even think, we will engage in a strong rival network paralyzed actually dwelling in this snack stuffed rental , the hacker turned out to be ugly brat.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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Chen Fucheng own Exploitation of a network operator's server grab "chicken" confessed, he confessed that he actually did not make much money. Chen Fucheng on the home is a place called "×× agent" who, through QQ Chen Fucheng only contact with the family, he was caught foreign server "chicken" to establish an account, the password, directly to the "×× Agent "while the other is based on the price of $ 100 per month to pay him, as the" ×× agent "in the end what kind of people, Chen Fucheng do not know.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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From early April to the incident, Chen Fucheng Exploitation of a network operator's server grabbed more than 10 "chicken", earn 1,000 yuan. Although he is not much money, but this loss caused by network operators is incalculable. July 30,karen millen outlet,http://www.misconduct.co.jp/cct/yybbs4/yybbs.cgi, Nanjing Jianye Procuratorate on suspicion of illegal control of computer crime,scarpe mbt, according to the law approved the arrest of Chen Fucheng.ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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(Department of text characters pseudonym)ëÿ‡(WiþèÉwww.0370qmw.com> ‰¤z`Ž¿
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